
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


THIS IS ADOREABEL! Sowhy cant foxes be pets? I seen videos like this and  think rthat foxes could tole be good pets. their domastated already as evedence by the videos and their not ebdangered.

i think is unfair.

Monday, February 17, 2014

interasting article

friend showed me. reading it now

Friday, February 14, 2014

short anouncement

A friend wanted me to giv a short anounement here

*sobs quitly*
the friend of my pal is in hospital fo intensive an has lung desease that could go to fatal so pls send your prayers my way. He is havig a hard time we are all sad and get beter ;-;

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

a litle series call blue fang

A frind of mine recomend I watch this youtube furry anime and i think is the bomg. This is blue fang, a anime made bu youtuber insted of a big corportion. I want to share it wih all furs so they can suport this and get impsired becose i think we need more furry animes like this

blue fang is abot wolf furries and there lives. ijts reallu intrestin and colorfull and it get betters as it go. their 20 eps

check it out

Friday, February 7, 2014

New sonic game!

i have always am a fan of sonic so when they anounce tht a new sonic game is coming out. Alot of peple have been conplain about how knuckles look but i like it. kunckles was always the strong one in sonic games so he noe represents it wich is acturate and becose he looks like his ready to kick some ASS!  Amy looks more sexy tho and it will be interstin to play as them. When the game come out i mite review it too and im sure ill post but for now i egedrly await. ^w^ stay tune

Thursday, February 6, 2014

to the jerks in troll in ed

this is what me and my friends think of you

thats relly me in the pic XD but i cant say who or show miself. sorry

review: Fantastic mr fox

a revie of fantastic mr fox

Mr fantastic fox is a fantastc movie! Is is very cololful and greatly anymated but the true geniouse lies in behind the story


the story is that humans want to mke furry life misrabble and is up to the furries to fight back! Is it a impiring story tha i think evryone should watch becose it truly reprasents the strugles that furry evrywhere must endur. In the end the furryies lead by fantastic mr fox defeat the opresive humans and show that wen we put our mids to it we furries are on top!


the movie looks like cros between 3d animate and clay but the efect looks realy goodand feels life like in a way.


I love the soundrack


I give the movie...

5 pawsout of 5

I recomend you show it to evryone!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mesage to the haters atackin this blog

You FAIL! you wont beat me down and you wot beat the furries. Coment all you want  your only probing my point that you are all JERKS.

to the furries reading this just ignoer the garbege

Saturday, February 1, 2014

antifurry gif file

I came across in contact with this gif file and it is very racist aganst furries

this is not funny or fair, fursuits should be alowed in airports like everyione else.