
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

a litle series call blue fang

A frind of mine recomend I watch this youtube furry anime and i think is the bomg. This is blue fang, a anime made bu youtuber insted of a big corportion. I want to share it wih all furs so they can suport this and get impsired becose i think we need more furry animes like this

blue fang is abot wolf furries and there lives. ijts reallu intrestin and colorfull and it get betters as it go. their 20 eps

check it out


  1. Are you getting more retarded? How is your spelling getting worse?

  2. Shhh I've heard this language before. Let me try to communicate.

    Hai whur r u frum? I'm frum planuit erth.

  3. More liek Blue Fag.

  4. Whoever is posting under 'anonymous' must be DIAF or whoever the fuck she is this week and there is something wrong with her...seriously...who watches Angelina Ballerina? That show is for little kids and she's a freaking teenager or young adult.
