
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

artist spotlite: Adam wan

firsty! Artist spotlite is a feature on my blog i want to do where i promoate up an comming artists and art i like. I hope this will gain views to them and show you great art from the comunitty!

Adam wan aka Zauch


Adam wam is born in japan in1994 and have a talent for drawin furry since he was born. He sibnce has joind furafinnity  and have gotten many new vires (myfelf included) . I relly recomend you comishion him because even tho is $1300 a comishion you really get really high quality art and more art he draw so his profile get fuller. More art for me to save on my folder.

Adm want has been recently convicted of rape his girlfriend but I THINK THIS IS NOT TRUE/

Fiurries are great people and we are always workin to help the comunity and ada wong is no ecceptin. He have donated all his comishion money to cancer charity so in realty what realy happen is ANTI furries are making shit up likwe Enyclopedeadramica and the 4CHAN to vbring him and us all down. An ruin our nameADAM WON AINT DONE IT.


The best thing I like about adam's wan art is how great the boddies are drawm. Very smoothe He is one of the best a drawing pics and there all so great i love all there pics

go visit him here


  1. Good job defending a rapist.

  2. I could barely read this. The spelling and grammar are atrocious.
    You also called them Ada Wong at one point
    For reference, that's a Resident Evil Character.
