
Saturday, January 25, 2014

review: Bitter lake

a review of Bitter lake rust is a fickel thing

Bitter lake is proove that furries can do anything and do it better! This is what happens when furry gets add put in movies. I for one am glad that furries are inserteing more furry stuff into nonfurry things becose nonfurries need more exposare to furry stuff. Bitter lake was created by ezwolf and funded with his dads money. Ezwolf and his friens are the actors too and the music.


The story is the best i ever seen. someone shuld give ezwold an award becose he is an genius. The original plot goes like ezewolf and his fries must negotaete peace in there kingdoms cose their kings of the kingdoms and their at war. But theres a twist! they dont trust each othar so like the negotaeteons dont go as pland. It is a beautifaly deep plot that provokas thougt. It make you think of deep topic like if you cant trust your enemys then who can ya trust?? It indeed is a grammy wordhy film. The film has also lot of foreshodowing cuz like at the begining you see a fox kill a guy but there is only one fox in the movie and he good (Hint he is lateran bad guy!). The twist ending left me breastless when ezewolf retarded brother is the bad guy all along and only pretendinf!


ezewolf is the star of the show. He is the king of a magic land. Wth him are his friends like the sexy goat chick, is friend the fox (secretly bad guy) and a king who is angry. The main character esewolf, resolves the plot and becomes the hero


the fursuits are so realistical! I cant beleave the incredible quality of them. It s almost as if real animals ar the actors! I love to get one but I have no moneys T-T


steven spillberg could of composed it and you wuldnt know becose the music so good! ezewolf out did himself here and shuld recieve a standing obacian!


I give the movie
5 paws out of 5!

if your a furry you must watch! if your not the must watch becose u get to see furry skills at moviemakeing!

 watch on youtub

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