THIS IS ADOREABEL! Sowhy cant foxes be pets? I seen videos like this and think rthat foxes could tole be good pets. their domastated already as evedence by the videos and their not ebdangered.
i think is unfair.
a blog about furry articles, news and the strugles of furry fandom. Were the voice of furries everywere
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
interasting article
friend showed me. reading it now
friend showed me. reading it now
Friday, February 14, 2014
short anouncement
A friend wanted me to giv a short anounement here
*sobs quitly*
the friend of my pal is in hospital fo intensive an has lung desease that could go to fatal so pls send your prayers my way. He is havig a hard time we are all sad and get beter ;-;
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
a litle series call blue fang
A frind of mine recomend I watch this youtube furry anime and i think is the bomg. This is blue fang, a anime made bu youtuber insted of a big corportion. I want to share it wih all furs so they can suport this and get impsired becose i think we need more furry animes like this
blue fang is abot wolf furries and there lives. ijts reallu intrestin and colorfull and it get betters as it go. their 20 eps
check it out
blue fang is abot wolf furries and there lives. ijts reallu intrestin and colorfull and it get betters as it go. their 20 eps
check it out
Friday, February 7, 2014
New sonic game!
i have always am a fan of sonic so when they anounce tht a new sonic game is coming out. Alot of peple have been conplain about how knuckles look but i like it. kunckles was always the strong one in sonic games so he noe represents it wich is acturate and becose he looks like his ready to kick some ASS! Amy looks more sexy tho and it will be interstin to play as them. When the game come out i mite review it too and im sure ill post but for now i egedrly await. ^w^ stay tune
Thursday, February 6, 2014
to the jerks in troll in ed
this is what me and my friends think of you
thats relly me in the pic XD but i cant say who or show miself. sorry
review: Fantastic mr fox
a revie of fantastic mr fox
Mr fantastic fox is a fantastc movie! Is is very cololful and greatly anymated but the true geniouse lies in behind the storystory
the story is that humans want to mke furry life misrabble and is up to the furries to fight back! Is it a impiring story tha i think evryone should watch becose it truly reprasents the strugles that furry evrywhere must endur. In the end the furryies lead by fantastic mr fox defeat the opresive humans and show that wen we put our mids to it we furries are on top!sCharacters
the movie looks like cros between 3d animate and clay but the efect looks realy goodand feels life like in a
I love the soundrackrating
I give the movie...5 pawsout of 5
I recomend you show it to evryone!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Mesage to the haters atackin this blog
You FAIL! you wont beat me down and you wot beat the furries. Coment all you want your only probing my point that you are all JERKS.
to the furries reading this just ignoer the garbege
to the furries reading this just ignoer the garbege
Saturday, February 1, 2014
antifurry gif file
I came across in contact with this gif file and it is very racist aganst furries
this is not funny or fair, fursuits should be alowed in airports like everyione else.
this is not funny or fair, fursuits should be alowed in airports like everyione else.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Artist spotelite: Leoian aka loick fahl
Leoian aka loick fahl
Loian is anoter favorite of mine from furafinity. he is the author of the twokinds spinof Project2nsd. He is from french and he is maried to Flora fauna, his sister and twokind character.INSEST ALIGATION:
Alot of nonfurries are makin fun of leoian and givin shit for havin sex with his sister but they CANT DO THAT! See their is a diferent between humans and furries in that it's OK FOR ANIMALS TO AVE SEX WITH THERE SISTERS! ANIMALS DO IT ALL THE TIME AND IS ALLOWED! ITS NATUREL NOT INSEST! leoian is a TIGER so its perfetly ok for him to have sex with his sister and you shuldnt opine against it.on that note this is another reason why is better to be a furry. You can marry yuor sister and its ok!
my favorte thing about his art is how he can change styles so easily! Look at all the hunderds of pics he drawed, youl notice each has a diferent art style like if it was made by diferent people. Now THAT takes skillds.visit him here
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Furry weekend in alanata!
If you hapen to are in virginia this march then consider going to alanta city for Furry weekend! Encoarage your furry and nonfurries frinds to go too! Nonfurries will benefit form this becose their will be alot of furries their and it will expose nonfurries to us and make them less scared. the main reson why nonfurries hate us is becose they havet had a good chance to see us and they always hidin behind their computers.
It will be locate at furry university in alanta in march. I wish I knew there was a real furry university before i want to colege D: would have gonw
their will be many great activates fur the family and friends such like fursuitign and meetin furries.
click here for mor info
It will be locate at furry university in alanta in march. I wish I knew there was a real furry university before i want to colege D: would have gonw
their will be many great activates fur the family and friends such like fursuitign and meetin furries.
click here for mor info
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Slu copper movie !
For those who don know, sly copper is the furry videagame for ps2 where you plae as a racon furry.
Thisa is a step foward for furries evrywere becose there arent any much furry movies out there and furry movies are the best ones hans down. I cant wait to see that racon more raleastic! ^_^
Thisa is a step foward for furries evrywere becose there arent any much furry movies out there and furry movies are the best ones hans down. I cant wait to see that racon more raleastic! ^_^
Monday, January 27, 2014
wolf quest: a look inside
Wolf quest is a furry game were wolf furriws can live their dream of being a wolf. made in 2007 by skilld progammers in the furry comunity it was a place were you could hang with your wolf friends and do wolf things like mate and cuddle.
as a wolf dragon dog ravn furry I half enjoy this game and would recomend to everyone exept nonfurry becose they dont play corectly. in fact
<a href="default.asp" target="_blank"></a>
as a wolf dragon dog ravn furry I half enjoy this game and would recomend to everyone exept nonfurry becose they dont play corectly. in fact
the problem in wolfquest
Alot of people think wolf quest is an educattonal game and althoeg it dose educate people on us furries it is NOT a educattonal game and not for kids. It is a problem becose kids think they can learn about wolf but all they do is get in our way an complane that we are ruining it for them and they dont even mate. inless you nonfurrys turn into furry pleaze dont invade this gam<br><body>
<a href="default.asp" target="_blank"></a>
Sunday, January 26, 2014
shoutout: jess teckly
Congratualation to te wonderful Ms Jess teckly on havin laid 983 lucky mates since her arival to the furry fandom in 2010!! I wish i culd get laid once...
I mite do a artist spotlite on her sometime. maybe i can know her personaly...
artst spotlite: archekruz aka eliusain squirells
artist spotlite: archekruz
WHO HE IS:Archekrux, real name valarie a native of honkong china, is a furry freedom figter that known for being a tuff cookie in of the furry world. She was a developer of seriuos sam 3 i think and she love metal music becose she is angry all times. She uses anger tho. to beat up humans if they hate us furries. Her hobbyes includes telling all about bad people in her blogs and stiring up her fans to witchhunt evil people. I admire him becose we fight the same fight we show the world that furries are not to be wrekkoned with and we are the best! But her anger can be a bit too much (but really is a good thing tho)
My favorate thing about her art is big muscular short hair ladies are sexy o///o
visit her and see art at
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Atacks to furry fandom!
Recently the anti furry website colage humor has release the folowing video against furry to ruin our name
DO NOT BELEVE ANYTHING IN THE VIDEO!!! It was made to descredit us and make us look bad. WE DO NOT RAPE PEOPLE!!
DO NOT BELEVE ANYTHING IN THE VIDEO!!! It was made to descredit us and make us look bad. WE DO NOT RAPE PEOPLE!!
review: Bitter lake
a review of Bitter lake rust is a fickel thing
Bitter lake is proove that furries can do anything and do it better! This is what happens when furry gets add put in movies. I for one am glad that furries are inserteing more furry stuff into nonfurry things becose nonfurries need more exposare to furry stuff. Bitter lake was created by ezwolf and funded with his dads money. Ezwolf and his friens are the actors too and the music.story
The story is the best i ever seen. someone shuld give ezwold an award becose he is an genius. The original plot goes like ezewolf and his fries must negotaete peace in there kingdoms cose their kings of the kingdoms and their at war. But theres a twist! they dont trust each othar so like the negotaeteons dont go as pland. It is a beautifaly deep plot that provokas thougt. It make you think of deep topic like if you cant trust your enemys then who can ya trust?? It indeed is a grammy wordhy film. The film has also lot of foreshodowing cuz like at the begining you see a fox kill a guy but there is only one fox in the movie and he good (Hint he is lateran bad guy!). The twist ending left me breastless when ezewolf retarded brother is the bad guy all along and only pretendinf!character
ezewolf is the star of the show. He is the king of a magic land. Wth him are his friends like the sexy goat chick, is friend the fox (secretly bad guy) and a king who is angry. The main character esewolf, resolves the plot and becomes the hero
the fursuits are so realistical! I cant beleave the incredible quality of them. It s almost as if real animals ar the actors! I love to get one but I have no moneys T-Taudio
steven spillberg could of composed it and you wuldnt know becose the music so good! ezewolf out did himself here and shuld recieve a standing obacian!rating
I give the movie5 paws out of 5!
if your a furry you must watch! if your not the must watch becose u get to see furry skills at moviemakeing!
watch on youtub
Thursday, January 23, 2014
breaking news: HATERS!
Some one I know hates furries so much he keeps shoving the same web site in my face and its this one right here I have told him to lay off the hating furries and says if I can get that site shut down he will stfu about the hating furries so please help me prove to the haters when people want something done. An army is better then a mob. so please sign petition here!
UPDATE: fuck godhatesfurry
UPDATE: fuck godhatesfurry
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
artist spotlite: Adam wan
firsty! Artist spotlite is a feature on my blog i want to do where i promoate up an comming artists and art i like. I hope this will gain views to them and show you great art from the comunitty!
Adam wam is born in japan in1994 and have a talent for drawin furry since he was born. He sibnce has joind furafinnity and have gotten many new vires (myfelf included) . I relly recomend you comishion him because even tho is $1300 a comishion you really get really high quality art and more art he draw so his profile get fuller. More art for me to save on my folder.
Adm want has been recently convicted of rape his girlfriend but I THINK THIS IS NOT TRUE/
Adam wan aka Zauch
WHO HE IS:Adam wam is born in japan in1994 and have a talent for drawin furry since he was born. He sibnce has joind furafinnity and have gotten many new vires (myfelf included) . I relly recomend you comishion him because even tho is $1300 a comishion you really get really high quality art and more art he draw so his profile get fuller. More art for me to save on my folder.
Adm want has been recently convicted of rape his girlfriend but I THINK THIS IS NOT TRUE/
Fiurries are great people and we are always workin to help the comunity and ada wong is no ecceptin. He have donated all his comishion money to cancer charity so in realty what realy happen is ANTI furries are making shit up likwe Enyclopedeadramica and the 4CHAN to vbring him and us all down. An ruin our nameADAM WON AINT DONE IT.
The best thing I like about adam's wan art is how great the boddies are drawm. Very smoothe He is one of the best a drawing pics and there all so great i love all there pics
go visit him here
The best thing I like about adam's wan art is how great the boddies are drawm. Very smoothe He is one of the best a drawing pics and there all so great i love all there pics
go visit him here
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
dogecoin sucess
With the fall of bitcoin, a curency that was pedofiles used on troll site 4chan, come the uprising of dogecoin lately. Dogecoin is a inernational curency based around the furry meme doge that has sucess after taking over bitcoin. and already we can see more posotive efects on the inernational stock exchange and in personel lives. Look at this folowing articl
compare that to child porn.
As i have said so, things are better with fur! Go dogecoin!
compare that to child porn.
As i have said so, things are better with fur! Go dogecoin!
5 real reasons why is better to be a furry
For you human and nonfurries, i want to explaint why we are better. it make sense to want to be furry becose its just worse to be human! this is my list of reasons why is better to be a furry. please read with an open mind and dont disagre
5 - You wont be ugly!
Look at furries and all frry pictures. if you are a furry you will always look good. You can even have many fur paterns and colors you want. The posibilities are endless! There are just so many ways you can be hot as a furry. As a human you are usually be ugly but just try and find an ugly furry drawing! You cant find one, there wont be more shyness between men and ladies and we all have equal chance.
4 - Tails!
Another big thing that helps is a tail! You see how animals wag their tails when their happy or hide it between legs (should I say paws) when their scared? If we get tails then we cant hide emotions from each other and we will be able to communicate better. less lies and more honesty, better comunication thank to tails.
3- No desease!
Humans have breed them self into a corner where they are not imanine to any virus nor anything that might kill you. Animals dont have that problem becose their naturaly healthy and dont get sick. That is a scientific fact. If were furry then things like cancer will be a thing of the past! virus and deseases will not longer be compatable with us if we are animals so we can no longer neeed vaccenes or anything, JUST LIKE NATURE INTENDED!!
2 - Best of being like animals but also human!
Just like last point, being human sucks but the flip side is that being only an animal is not too great either but we will be a mix of both. This means well have the smarts of a human but have faster relixes of an animal. We are just better in all ways!
1 - world peace!
Finaly, the best thing is that since we have no flaw we have no reason to go to war! Being furry is the best way to world peace that I can imagine and you cant deny it if you red all the points so far. Every problem comes from human nature and all will be fixed if were furry insead. so i dont know why people give me shit for being furry. Think logically and see that its just better to be furry.
Monday, January 20, 2014
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